date: 2003-03-01 (Saturday)
description: Home for weekend, tosrnado dream
lj-entry-id: 247,126

Home for weekend, tosrnado dream - 2003-03-01 (Saturday) - Entry 287 - TOGoS's Journal

In one dream I was outside and it was kind of dark. I looked to the east and there were about 4 tornados over the horizon. I went downstairs. A tornado came through my window into my room as I was coming through the work room. I stepped to the side and let it pass me. It went by and went up the stairs and went out of the house without doing too much damage. The whole east side of out house was made out of glass. I was going to put some plywood over the windows by my room hat the tornado had come through, but there was some guy there telling me that he had a better idea.

I had another dream, but I don't remember what it was right now.