date: 2003-03-09 (Sunday)
description: Finished crapi1.wad, hihoney, hydroarg
lj-entry-id: 252,209

Finished crapi1.wad, hihoney, hydroarg - 2003-03-09 (Sunday) - Entry 292 - TOGoS's Journal

I finished crapi1.wad early this morning. Fixed a few bugs later on. Made a nice zip file and installer. The Simpsons was pretty awesome. They kept making fun of Fox (Actually I saw 2 episodes: one where they're in 1890s house (funny because we actually watched 1900s house a few times. I even had a dream about it, once), and one where Krusty gets elected to congress. Malcom was was pretty funny, too. I wrote my 'Hi, Honey' paper for Math, did Math homwork, and Dad gave me an idea for my arguement paper, which I'll have to write down and print before 23:00 (It's about 22:00 right now). The network was down most of the day. At first I thought it was just us because the computers downstairs were still kinda working. I was running back and forth to/fom the basement with a floppy ('Blorg') containing updated versions of crapi1.wad (because I kept finding bugs and fixing them).

Adam pilfered a set of silverware from glemspew :-)

I'm playing with Zdaemon. Bah. ZDaemon doesn't work well. Forget that for now. Go to sleep.