date: 2003-03-10
description: Mr. Rogers, Moon string, T3 dreams, hydrogen paper
lj-entry-id: 253,113

Mr. Rogers, Moon string, T3 dreams, hydrogen paper - 2003-03-10 - Entry 293 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that there was a string from the moon to the earth. Like a strand of dental floss. Mr. Rogers was the keeper of the end of the string. He lived up on a hill in a little house with his dog and held onto it. He invited me up there and so I went. Then he had me hold onto it for a while. That was really scary. I was really surprised that he let me do that. I was a afraid I might let go. So I was siting on the floor petting the dog and holding onto the sring. He was a nice dog. Then I accidentally let go. Mr. Rogers and the guy he was talking to were a little upset but not too much.

In my other dream I was in Terminator 3. I don't think it was anything like the real Terminator 3 will be like. I don't think I even realized it existed when I had the dream. Anyway, it was kinda like half-life. Not that the plot was the same, just that it felt kind of like it. I had been in some building and was then trying to get out without anyone noticing. Because I guess I had been doing something they didn't want. Then it was like they were having some sort of party there. There were all these people dressed up all fancy. I got in a uniform of a car parker...

Later I realized that the movie was about 3 weeks over-due (we had rented it).

Last night I was trying to think of an idea for my arguementative paper that I have to do for English. I was having a hard time thinking of anything. Pa helped me out.

I went over to Brockert to work on my math, some. Told Fizz about how he could run Doom on the computers downstairs. We watched the Simpsons. It was the one where Bart plays football and Homer's a jerk.

I was thinking about cool stuff. Like a protocol for interacting with a virtual world. Or some kind of framework... But I was also thinking about cool stuff I could do with my Zdoom levels.