date: 2003-08-08 (Friday)
lj-entry-id: 300,228

2003-08-08 (Friday) - Entry 369 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I think had something to do with being stuck on a space ship or something for a long time. I was, like, going to the moon or something. And there was some other stuff in there, like I came home and nobody was around and it was kind of weird, but I wasn't all so surprised. Oh, yeah. And there was something like I was looking at a weird light through the window... yeah. Well it was kinfa interesting when I had it but I should have written it down when I first woke up. And I also had some other vaguely interesting dreams the night before but forgot those, too...

I can compile ConfigScript to Parrot, now, but the resultin IMCC code doesn't work half the time because IMCC seems to be full of bugs. Dawne and the kids are all here. They managed to break my doorknob within the first day.