date: 2003-08-13
lj-entry-id: 301,212

2003-08-13 - Entry 370 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream last night in which I was supposed to go to someone's house, and I took a red crayon and drew a line on the map where I was supposed to go. I always took this route that went down south of Madison. I would go south, then east, then south, then east, and on and on for a while. I wasn't really sure if that was the right route to take, but it was the one I was used to. The roads that I took didn't seem to relate to any roads that actually run down there. As I walked, I was drawing a black line with some kind of--piece of rubber?--down the sidewalk. It was talking a long time, and I don't think I really expected to get wherever I was going by the end of the dream.

Then there was this part where I was going into the library. I was at first standing in the parking lot next to the car, and I was playing music. Mulker 23 or something. I heard some other music, and was surpriesed at how well it mixed with Mulker 23. Then I realized that it was also Mulker 23. It was being played by someone sitting in front of the library. Then the song switched to some Elwood thing. They must have gotten my MP3 collection, somehow.