date: 2004-02-12
description: biology lab test (suX!); dead forest, GA dream
lj-entry-id: 343,222

biology lab test (suX!); dead forest, GA dream - 2004-02-12 - Entry 427 - TOGoS's Journal

--- Dianne Z Stevens wrote:< br /> >
> I'm not surprised.
> Check your mail box on Friday and Saturday.
> How's Biology?

Lecture's OK. But I *really* screwed up on a test in the lab. If he had told us what we were supposed to know beforehand, I could have looked the stuff up and been just fine! Like andy says, I think the point of classes isn't to make you learn stuff, but to get a grade distribution. >:( I got mitochondira and ribosomes mixed up, and I got telophase and anaphase mixed up, and I didn't know what a vesicle was, and I didn't know what a part on the microscope was called, and then I mixed up telophase and anaphase some more, and then I used elimination to determine that something was a ribosome, and not a mitochondria. I'd be surprised if I got better than 40% right on that test. Hopefully I did better on the physics one.

And the physics lab is boring and dumb.

But the EE labs are kind of fun. We're hooking up logic gates on breadboards and stuff.

And I lost 5 points for not showing up to Fitness Assesment, because Andy likes to screw up when setting his alarm (it finally went off at 7 PM), but that was actually a pleasant surprise to find out that I was only losing a few points, since I thought I was going to fail the whole thing >:O.

Anyway, Fizz says he's coming home next weekend, but doesn't know how, yet. So I'll try to come back and bring my laundry (I know how you love doing laundry) and get my school stuff and my power strip and a couple more bags of raisin bran, since I figure it's better for me than all these saltines are.

Ummm... And updated my web site. And started a cool Doom level. And stuff... linky ->

Yeah. That's about it. See ya.

My dreams went like this: