date: 2004-02-15
description: Mine, new dorm dreams ; EE3750 lab 2, ConfigScript3 release
lj-entry-id: 344,156

Mine, new dorm dreams ; EE3750 lab 2, ConfigScript3 release - 2004-02-15 - Entry 428 - TOGoS's Journal

It was winter and we were out in front of Brockert and stuff. Then all the power went out. Somehow this meant that we were all going to have to work in a mine that happened to be about 100 feet west of Pickard. The lights in the mine were all working fine. That was good. Though I wondered if maybe we should all have flashlights, anyway. Louie from Taxu worked in the mine. He'd yell at people as they walked by his office which was right by this underground pond. There was a lot of water in this mine, so we were always having to be careful not to dig through walls with a tunnel full of water on the other side. I'm not sure if I had this dream before or after doing the latest EE lab, during which I admired a picture on the wall of a guy tunneling out of a prison, about to run into the bottom part of a latrine.

Yeah, that lab sucked.

Last night I had a dream in which we were all moving to a ritzy dorm followng Fizz's lead. This place had lots of candles and red carpets and smelled like a rich person's house. This building had its own copy of Glenview that had vaggie burgers every day. Actually it had an entire vegetarian section with some stupid sign on it with dumb words. We were eating a meal there and I got a veggie burger but then all my food disappeared. I suspected that the janitor had taken my tray or something because I left it down (sitting on a chair) too long. This place had a few rooms that hung off the edge of the building. Fizz and A-day (or someone) and I were standing out in one. The room was only attached by the doorway and a couple pieces of twine. I thought it'd be cute to cut one of the strings, so I did. The thing creaked a little and Fizz gave his surprised 'Whoa I can't believe you did that' look. Later we went back to our rooms and started getting settled. I asked Fizz or Aday "this must cost more than the regular dorms, huh?", and they confirmed my ummm...hunch.

I don't know how many nights ago it was, but I vaguely remember having a dream involving moving into/out of 110 Brockert. But I've had a few of those and I don't think this one was anything special (although it might have featured a closet) so I won't go trying to remember what that was all about, especially since it's actually almost 4:00 Monday (2004-02-16) morning and I think Andy's trying to be asleep.

In other news, I uploaded the latest version of ConfigScript3 to and reported it to perl6-internals after testing that I could get it to work on Andy's machine. I still don't see my message in the NNTP archive.

I've been thinking about the design of TOGoS Tracker, but at the moment the software project at the top of my priority list should be A-Day's SpaceCiv program.

And now I will attempt to make sleep with my bed.