date: 2004-05-15 (Saturday)
description: Home for summer
lj-entry-id: 373,255

Home for summer - 2004-05-15 (Saturday) - Entry 465 - TOGoS's Journal

A couple days ago I went to sleep after coming back from dinner. I dreampt that Matt was A-day's brother or something. At least he lived in a room in A-day's basement. There was something about me playing music through my speakers outside and then walking around in a field. Later we were looking at Matt's computer and then I went up to the Bens' room and they were leaving and then I almost left my pencils in there.

I woke up to A-day pounding on his shelf.

That night, after we had re-arranged our room and I had walked around and come back and played Halo in Normal Matt's room for a while, I went to sleep again. I had a dream where I was in a game like Doom/Wolfenstein, and there was this big (wide) black spider with chainguns. He was modeled after the first Boss from Wolfenstein. Except he was re-drawn badly and dumbly.

There was some guy who had saved my life one time. His name was like "Lars" or something. He also had a cool last name. He was a cool guy. He got killed climbing a mountain. I was standing around in a parking lot with Fizz and some other guys and I was talking to Lars or a friend of his. We were (not with Lars - he was just in the parking lot with us) going to climb up this big snowy mountain. At first we were trying to climb up this really steep slope that was just covered with snow. The other guys were getting up but I kept sliding back down. Then I went to the left maybe 50 feet and found that here there was sort of a ladder built into the side of the mountain under the snow, so I used that and it made getting up much easier. Then the other guys came over to it, too. Eventually we were about half way up the mountain. We were standing on this flat area at the top of a high cliff. There was a stream going along, and I thought it would be fun to jump in. But as soon as I did I realized that it went over a huge waterfall. So I tried to grab the fence or some rocks or something, but it didn't work, and Fizz and I both ended up going over the edge. As I was about to hit the ground I knew that I was about to die, and wondered what it would be like. As soon as I hit the ground, I woke up. Of course, you'll always wake up after dying. I wasn't rreally awake, though. I had some other dreams before I really woke up.

Yesterday I came home for summer. I went walking on the bike path and looked at all the pretty trees and bunnies. We watched 'A Patch Of Blue' last night and it was pretty cool, I thought. Afterwards I butchered my hair. Ma doesn't like it, but I think it looks pretty cool.

I had some dreams... In one, I was back working at Woodmans again, but only until I found a new job somewhere else.

There was this big, futuristic space ship that I was in. I was with a bunch of aliens or some people from the future or something. They were flying around the earth. By the golden gate bridge and stuff. Eventually they pulled off the earth's skin, and left a big chocolate blob. They took the skin and folded it into their ship. So now everyone on the earth was living inside this spaceship. And what used to be rock was now chocolate. It was sad. I was walking around and ran into some people who had found an old cave that was actually made out of sandstone and stuff, and had water flowing through it. It was really nice.

There was also something about me wanting to play a piano at this party but they were all taken. So I went walking and followng this rope that went along a sidewalk downhill through this neighborhood. It went across some streams and things. Eventually I came to the end of the rope. I wondered it I had been pulling it the wrong way.

I have to go write my parser. And call Home Depot on Monday.