date: 2004-07-05
lj-entry-id: 66,160

2004-07-05 - Entry 494 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this guy that lived south of the beltline. He was obnoxious and nobody really liked him. But he ran a cool (I heard) eDonkey node or something and I was trying to get access to it.

I was working in this big Doom level I had made. It was like some sort of military base. It had a bunch of little rooms that people lived in and stuff. I was sitting in one room working at my computer. It was the middle of the night and I was listening to music and stuff while working on the level, so I was worried that someone might hear it and make me turn it off, but looking at the map I saw that there were plenty of walls between where I was and where the other people were. Shanie was in there somewhere, and I she came in and we were talking about stuff. And then I was talking to Jennifer and she was asking where Shanie was and I said that I had just been talking to her but then she went into another room.

Then there was this dream where I was walking by Michael's frozen custard. Except the road was all different and stuff. Off to the south, behind MFC I went, and there was a cage full of Mexicans. Somehow it looked like these people hadn't actually done anything wrong, so I let them all out and some lady that was there started yelling at me. Later I was walking with her and a police man that was saying that what I had done wasn't exactly legal, but wasn't really illegal, either, so he didn't really care.

The last dream I had was a biggie. It started out I was driving around with Jodie Foster. She was talking about how she had taken her nephew to see Contact and he thought it was pretty cool. And I was talking about how I liked it. Then I was in the movie. Except it was more like independence day. There were aliens all over, and we were going to kick out the aliens and then after things had calmed down Jodie Foster would get into that ball thing and go zooming off. So I was all mixed up. But then I sort of forgot that movie stuff.

So these aliens were all over. They were making people their slaves and they were building these big, blue buildings all along I-90. They were taking people down there in school busses. I was on a bus with a bunch of people. We were driving along the highway, past a lot of construction and lots of people. I was telling everyone how dumb this all was and telling people that they should rebel because these aliens were going to kill us all. I guess a lot of people didn't know that. I started throwing people's sandwiches out the window at the people we were passing. After we got driven a few miles down south our bus took a wrong turn and went onto a side road and then stopped at a gas station. I guess we all got out.

Somehow I had to stop these aliens from taking over the country. I got a shotgun. I think it was the bus driver's. I and a few other people got back on the bus and started heading back North, but Fizz and a lot of others stayed at the gas station. While we were driving I was trying to figure out how to re-load the shotgun. I was taget practicing on slaves that were going to die anyway. But then one of the aliens (who was wearing a 8-foot tall person suit) attacked us. I coulnd't find any shotgun ammo so we had to slice him up with a knife. And since we knew that all the aliens had big, cool knives, we found his and took it with us.

2005-01-20: Heh. I never finished writing this dream. OK, here goes...

Supposedly there was then something about trying to convince the slaves to revolt, but the next part I remember was going to see a bunch of senators or something. Tammy Baldwin was there. I had to slice their heads off with my knife, which was too bad because I like Tammy. It was really gross. I went outside and there was a nice car out there so I took it. I drove back to the resturaunt to get Fizz. Someone asked me "Are you Dan? D?", and I didn't want them to know it was me because I had been causing so much trouble and they'd probably kill me, so I said "No, I'm K. Kevin.". We went outside and my cool car was gone so we had to settle for a slow one. Some dude got in with us. I was fondling my guns the whole time, just in case.

Somehow we found our old car and we drove down highway 45 (see also entry 503) to Guatemala. We walked along this path in the forest and I got ahead. I walked around this loop that took me up, over where I had been. I looked over the top of a hill and saw a bunch of people that looked like they were playing soccer or something. I got scared and was running back, but it turned out they were friendly. Then some other friends of ours showed up and there was something about rubber trees.