date: 2004-07-08
description: some dreams an stfuf
lj-entry-id: 402,202

some dreams an stfuf - 2004-07-08 - Entry 495 - TOGoS's Journal

Night before last (or something):

There was one part that involved driving around downtown. Lake Mendota was all bigger on the north end and extended down south a lot farther. And there was a bridge that woult take you from the northeast side of the city across the lake to an area near the square that was full of fishing piers. Very unlike the real Madison, anyway. I had ridden my bike downtown, past the capitol, and then was going west through the port area towards the bridge. Not planning to actually go over the bridge, though. I was looking for a building. I think I was supposed to do some WISPIRG work, there...

At some point in this dream, I think I was riding around in a car and talking to people about the bridge.

Another dream I had that morning involved being in Platteville looking at road maps that showed you how to get to Platteville. Those roads looked absolutely nothing like the real roads to Platteville. The ones in the dream formed sort of a grid. 2 squares wide and the length erxtending back toward Madison (or somewhere). And sometimes had diagonal support roads in it, too. Then near Platteville, the squares got smaller. And the grid remained 2 squares wide. I thought it was so cool that there was all that redundancy in the roads. Anyway, I was trying to make a light bulb work, but then I realized I had to discover electricity first. And I think Fizz had an army of trebuchets coming for me or something. There was a class studying stuff across the road. They had a tower. And their lights were on. I felt so primitive.

Yesterday night me and Fizz tried to go running. We tried to go to Memorial. We didn't make it. We came back and watched Office Space.

I had a dream that I was back at Memorial. I was coming back from summer vacation I guess. All the stuff that in real life happened in 12th grade happened in my dream in 10th or 11th. So I had a year or 2 left to go. And that was fine by me because I didn't want to get old so fast. Holly was there. And so was Armstrong and Dulli and everyone. I went upstairs to see to Mr. P. Radagast seemed to have been replaced with a table that I thought I had thrown up on, once. And it had spare parts all over it. I don't remember what Mr. P. said to me.

I spent today helping Ann get her computer fixed up.