date: 2004-07-10 (Saturday)
lj-entry-id: 404,73

2004-07-10 (Saturday) - Entry 497 - TOGoS's Journal

This morning I had some dreams...

Ther earliest I remember involved a bunch of kids that were playing this roudy game where they would try to kill each other. I really didn't want to play, but they made me. So I was trying to hide and build up some defeneses or something.

In a later one of them, I was in Las Vegas. I don't know exactly why I was there but I think Jill had something to do with it. I decided to go for a little walk in the country (well, the desert) and saw these big old mountains they had. Which was really cool and pretty. So I started walking towards them. But the sun was going down and it was getting dark, so I couldn't really see where I was going so well and I almost stepped into a lake. So I started walking back. I met this guy who claimed to be king of Scandinavia. I think he was trying to be a Viking or something. Eventually I was walking along the road again and Fizz and MAry were there. Then there was something about a monster that seemed to be made out of babies. We all thought that was pretty funny.