date: 2004-07-11
description: Louder is Better?
lj-entry-id: 405,18

Louder is Better? - 2004-07-11 - Entry 498 - TOGoS's Journal

(13:26:16) BoxOfLAME: I had a dream with 'No Doubt' in it
(13:26:29) BlueBasser02: gwen stefani is hot
(13:26:36) BoxOfLAME: hmm
(13:27:06) BoxOfLAME: she was singing about vegetarian hgot dogs
(13:27:20) BoxOfLAME: and there was some japanese punk rock band there, too
(13:27:34) BlueBasser02: logs are good to make, the journal kind
(13:27:34) BoxOfLAME: they were drinking a lot of soda and kind of making a mess
(13:27:42) BlueBasser02: hahaha
(13:27:44) BlueBasser02: those japs
(13:28:19) BoxOfLAME: did you get your q4 oggs working?
(13:28:47) BlueBasser02: haven't worked on them yet
(13:29:01) BoxOfLAME: i was ignoring trhem because i didn't approve of the mess they were making
(13:29:07) BoxOfLAME: but they wanted me to listen tyo their song
(13:29:20) BoxOfLAME: it had something to do with me being bored i guess
(13:29:21) BlueBasser02: those japs
(14:31:39) BoxOfLAME:
(14:32:45) BlueBasser02: yep
(14:35:31) BoxOfLAME: but yeah. "volume is what power amps are for"
(14:35:43) BlueBasser02: :)

As for the rest of my dreams, there was one part where I was looking at a bunch of monkeys that were going to evolve into humans. I was thinking about what I should do with them. I could just kill them off. Maybe I should try to breed them to be less agressive or something.

Then I was at a house and I saw this truck go over a hill on a road. Then it fell over as if the wheels on one side had fallen off. I went and checked it out and sure enough, the wheels on that side had fallen off. And there was a squirrel sitting behind it that didn't look to healthy. It wasn't squished or anything, just seemed not very happy. Soon we had a dead squirrel on our hands and I didn't know what to do with it. I was trying to stuff it into a mailbox or something in the house I was in. TTrish was there. She had green and orange hair. It was sort of holographicish. It looked green or orange depending on what angle you looked at it from.

Then there was the Japanese rock band making a mess and spilling soda on stuff in my basement. And No Doubt and stuff.