date: 2004-08-09 (Monday)
description: Smiley Universe, Doom 3, offend Kayla, set up Walton
lj-entry-id: 413,189

Smiley Universe, Doom 3, offend Kayla, set up Walton netw3rk - 2004-08-09 (Monday) - Entry 508 - TOGoS's Journal

A while ago I had a dream that involved running around school (it was some sort of severely distorted Memorial, with long narrow hallways and twisty steps) back and forth to some...counsellor I was supposed to be talking to about...something. Later there was something about being with some friends and going into a building and it was dark and I think we didn't want to get killed by imps or have a crate fall on us or something.

I am currently encoding Fizz's 'Best Of The Doors' CDs which I ripped from him earlier. It is causing 'Space Man' to be a bit choppy.

Right at the end of that dream I was talking to some people who were taking data from all these telescopes and stuff and making a map of the universe. They found that the universe was in the shape of a giant smilery face. It had big blue eyeballs in it's eye sockets and everything. It gave the impression that someone had designed the universe and put us here for a purpose, and that was uplifting.

On Tuesday, after confirming that they would have it, I drug Fizz over to Best Buy to get Doom 3 with me. While we were there he bought an optical mouse. I got home and we played for a while but then I had to work for Heather and Fizz had to go home for some other reason. I later managed to get it to work with Daemon Tools, and later yet I got a cracked EXE so I didn't need to deal with DT, either. The original CDs are now safely tucked away in the original packaging and I have .nrgs on my hard drive.

Doom 3 isn't all that great, by thw way.

I went to some guy (well, Kevin)'s house to try to fix his box. I also went to some lady's apartment (ok, the dude was in an apt, too) and helped her with her email an stuff. I played with the Doom 3 editor and got ideas for programs I wanted to write. I also played Doom 3. Somewhere along the line I had a dream that I was eating lunch with Fizz and A-Day and Kayla. Kayla was being annoying to me, so I insulted her and she got mad and stomped off. I felt really bad. I hoped Fizz wouldn't think I was a big jerk.

We went to see 'I, Robot' last night. I thought it was pretty cool. Today I finished setting up the Walton's network. We tried to play AOE2TCE online but that program doesn't work well with firewalls. I couldn't play from my house because our modem doesn't allow incoming connections, and I couldn't play at Fizz's house because you can only have one player behind each NAT, which is dumb and sucks.

Dawne is coming on Wednesday, but I won't see her and the kids until Friday probably because I'll be camping with Fizz and John and I think AA for about 2 days starting Wednesday morning. We're supposed to go to Johns's house on Tueday to show that we've got our gear together.