date: 2004-08-23
lj-entry-id: 418,230

2004-08-23 - Entry 514 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreams I had while sleeping on the couch this morning:

Zee was trying to figure out a way to store me in the attic of her dorm room. I guess I was hard up for a place to stay. Somehow this got me thinking about why I would have gone to West for a few days in high school.

Someonw called me asking if I wanted to be one of the 3 people chosen to attend a 'blues brothers 2000' concert. Because I had been. I just had to say it was OK. So I did, and then they started asking me all these confuising questiong.

I was watching 'War Games' with some people. They didn't like it, but I thought it was cool. Then some other stuff happened. I was wandering around in the sewer looking for something. Or something. Then we were riding our bikes back from Governor Dodge again. I stopped at a place next to the trail where there was a cliff going down to a big field. I started climbing down, but decided it was a bad idea, as I couldn't really tell how far down it was or how steep. Then it got to be night, and trains were passing us going the other way on the tracks that were right next to the trail. I was a little bit ahead of everyone, and I came to a city. I was riding around on this elevated sidewalk and ended up in some sort of conveyor belt park. The other guys were talking to the manager who wouldn't let them in because they hadn't paid (I had come in sort of a 'secret' entrance from the elevated sidewalk).

Now that I've woken up and written abnout my dreams,. I'm going to go back to debugging the StatWidget (doke/emacs.el automatically increments .lei for me, now. Yay).