date: 2004-08-25
lj-entry-id: 419,41

2004-08-25 - Entry 515 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream about those jerks from 6th grade. It turned out there were these little berries that they would throw that would fly around and kill people and there wasn't really anything you could do about them. They were really nasty. So I was doing some IDFAs and IDDQDs trying to get rid of them.

I was on this spaceship (or something) with these 2 guys. I think they swapped us in and out of this thing and while we were there it was out job to try to get rid of those evil berries. We ate donuts sometimes. It was long and cyllindrical and we slept on beds around the inside. It was hard to sleep because it looked as if the other guys would fall on you.

I was living on this hill. There was a road along the top and houses and trees along the road. Behind the houses the hill went down and there were lots of trees and bushes and then at the bottom there was a river. Our neighbors had a second part of their house down by the river that was connected to the front part by a tunnel. That was neat.

Then one day there was a big storm and a tree fell onto the back part of their house. Or else an airplane crashed into it. Anyway, I went running down to them to see if they were alright.

I was playing Link. It was sort of like regular Zelda II but the world was a lot different. I was out in this desert. To one side was the ocean and on the other was mountains. On the map there was only about 7 tiles to go past, but it turned into a side-view thing that was really long and hard to get through. So I usually went a long way to get around that area instead of going through it, but this time I went in and actually managed to get through it, which I was really proud of.

While I was playing I was thinking about how those side-scrolling areas made the game so much cooler. Like the United States was a place in this world that you could just walk right over and it wasn't very interesting.

Anyway, I kept playing and I was wandering around in this field because I knew there was some secret there. And I found it. You went into this cave and found a fancy sword. Which was a lot like the fance sword you would find soon afterwards, anyway, that you needed to beat the game. I was thinking that it was kind of strange that they just gave you that sword right before you went into the final palace instead of making you go look for it.

Something about the cheese section at Woodmans. Trying to beat up tanks in a river.

I had this great idea. I thought it'd be really cool to go with Fizz down south on the new bike path. We could also go canoeing. When I woke up I was dissapointed because I realized that that bike trail didn't really exist.

Today I went to the Keller Williams offices to fix Darren's computer. WinXP wasn't booting because he had tried to install SP2. So I put Win2k on there, renamed the old WinXP directory, and then re-installed WinXP.