time: 2004-10-08 00:16:43
content-type: text/html
subject: no lights off, no lights on
lj-entry-id: 434,10

no lights off, no lights on - Entry 537 - TOGoS's Journal

This afternoon I came back from History and read slashdot and stuff. I was planning to go see 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' that ACM was showing. It was pretty cool. Really made Steve Jobs look like a jerk. We skipped and ran back.

I sat around for a while reading slashdot and crap. Which of course was dumb and boring. Then I went and played Halo with Fizz for a while. I don't remember exactly how that came about. I was just trying to pass the time until dinner. Then when it was 17:30 we were going to wait for Matt. So we waited until 18:10 and then left. And met Matt on the way out. We went to eat, anyway. Matt would catch up later. I ate salad with Caesar dressing (as usual), some ministrone soup which wasn't that great, and I alkso got buns and a veggie bagel, which I would eat later on. I cut my pants so they wouldn't rip any more. Should have sooner. Very ripped.

We got back and I put my food away and we went to the movie, which would start at 19:00. Before the movie shown was '405', which was pretty cool. After the movie Gast talked a little bit like they said he would. Nobody ever turned the lights off so they didn't need to be turned back on.

We skipped and ran back. And I got a sideache running up the hill. 'twas lame.

I was thinking about watching the John Kerry movie I had downloaded. 'Going Up River' or something. I saw the 'The Garden State' (remember that - I want to watch it sometime) trailer I had attempted to download (it was just a .mov pointing to the trailer, not the trailer itself) and was reminded that I wanted to see... what was it... 'The Butterfly Effect'.

Adam walks in.

Adam says: "Hey guys you wanna watch a movie?"

"What movie?"

"The Butterfly Effect"

Not realizing I had just been thinking about it, I went and saw the movie. I thought it was 7074114 5c4w337. That girl when she was 13ish reminded me of Holly. The whole movie was a bit like a dream I would have. Only longer, more detailed, and more vivid. So it kinda hit home for me.