time: 2004-10-13 22:35:51
content-type: text/html
subject: How not to be stupid, volume 1
lj-entry-id: 17,23

How not to be stupid, volume 1 - Entry 539 - TOGoS's Journal

  1. Do not set on fire the pinata you made in 3rd grade that is currently hanging from the ceiling.
  2. Always look both ways before rushing intoan intersection.
  3. Do not go down steep hills on rollerblades before you've learned to brake.
  4. If you have a test tomorrow at 8:00, go to sleep.
  5. If you are missing chunks of flesh on your big toe, put shoes on before you go running. Or you will soon be missing more flesh, and you won't want to go running for a long time.

I tried to do cool stuff today, but failed. I therefore went to Aikido, instead. After which I stubbed my toe. Again. And now it's really hurting, so I think I'll be wearing my shoes for a while.