time: 2004-10-20 07:05:04
content-type: text/html
subject: just more dreams
lj-entry-id: 20,160

just more dreams - Entry 540 - TOGoS's Journal

I could study for Physics and Statistics, but...

This is vastly more interesting, even if I can't remember half of them.

Night before last the most memorable dreams I had involved these tall buildings. There was this huge pyramid that had water flowing over it and down its sides. Each step was maybe 50 feet high or more, and they just kept going. Following them it took me a long time to get to the bottom. Later there was another building, and I remember crawling around the ducts with someone trying to get somewhere important. There was this large cyllindrical open area surrounded by balconies and in the middle there was a column full of flags. I jumped across to the middle thing and grabbed some flags and climbed around. I thought that was really neat.

I also faintly reember something about driving. Like in the country. It reminds me of dreams I've had before, where it's not just driving, but all the hills are blue or exaggerated, or there are really more cars than there really would be on a country road, or there's a bunch of friends doing crazy stuff in the car. Maybe we're speeding around a large loop. Like in that one other dream I had sometime between 5 years and one month ago. One of the ones I didn't bother to write down and only faintly remember because I'm reminded by a dream like this... Anyway.

In the afternoon I took a nap and had a dream that reminded me of stuff that I didn't actually write down but I think it was this one. I was working on 'level 4', and there was this hallway in it and like an overpass and a door or something. Then Fizz and Matt had a lot of pot in their room, and a big, black and white marijuana leaf poster on their door. After talking to Fizz about it, I wandered back to my room, layed back in my bed, and woke up.

Last night (After I finally fell asleep - at first I couldn't so I went downstairs and read slashdot for a while - the comments seemed more interesting than usual - maybe it was because only the real nerds are stll up at 2:00 AM) I had a dream in which I wanted to get some jelly and it was grape and I was saying 'I don't like grape jelly' and someone else who happened to be around said 'but it's good' and I said 'oh maybe. oooh is that raspberry? i love that!' and then they told me that i shouldn't get too excited because glenview re-uses their jelly bottles but it really looked like raspberry.

Then I went to Russ Feingold's house. I think Fizz was with me. Russ's toilet was clogged with gross poop. I wanted to plunge it for him but it was going to be gross. But then I did and it was fixed. But then it turned into a big, concrete canal. and I was swimming down it. My mom was standing up on the edge and we waved at eachother. I was going through some locks and stuff. Then I ended up at Fizz's house and Fizz's mom was talking to me and asking me about my trip.