tags: lucid-dreams
date: 2004-12-20
description: Home for weekend, cool dreams
lj-entry-id: 48,137

Home for weekend, cool dreams - 2004-12-20 - Entry 564 - TOGoS's Journal

Went home for the weekend to see Dawne and the kids, because otherwise I'd miss them because I had to stay around until Wednesday or Thursday to take a Physics exam and they were going home on Wednesday.

On Friday night I took Sarah and Hannah around to Orchard Ridge Park. They enjoyed sliding around on road ice. Then we went under the beltline and over to the golf course and slid across the lake. We got yelled at that afterwards, which I thought was silly because the lake was frozen solid.

We went to Aunt Lois's house for some party on Saturday. They watched Harry Potter 3 on the way there, but I couldn't really see the screen so I sort of slept instead. We got there with about 5 minutes of the movie left. The party was pretty boring. The kids watched dumb cartoons. Eventually we all went outside. I tried to race this one guy but my legs just wouldn't go fast enough. And now they're pretty sore. We watched Pirates of the Carribean on the way back, and this time I could see what was going on. Timmy and Becky were screaming through the last half, though. Becky was screaming because Timmy was poking her and Timmy was screaming at Backy to be quiet.

Went to church on Sunday. Got back from my visit to Madison last afternoon, took a nap. Went to Glenview and ate imitation food.

And last night I had some cool dreams.

I was trying to show Michelle how to use the FarCry editor. I don't think it was working.

Maybe something about a leftover veggie bagel.

I was playing virtual basketball. It wasn't really very basketbally, but I was wandering around this place with some stairs and some trees and fences and stuff (I don't really remember what this place was - maybe some level that I made), and this friend of mine (who was maybe just AI) threw a basketball at my head once in a while and I had to catch it with my virtual hands.

I was walking east along Flad by that big church with Shanie and Davida. It was night. Davida kept spitting on us and it was gross and annoying. I remembered that I was supposed to take a Physics exam and started looking for it. I walked by Huegel (sp?) which was in the dream a high school and that's where my Physics final was going to be. By this time it was day, so I had been walking for a long time. I went in and was looking around for the test on the second floor (Huegel is an elementary school and it doesn't have a second floor). There was a Physics class, but they were talking about stuff way more advanced than what we had been doing, so I figured it must just be some high school class. Finally I looked out the window and saw my physics teacher standing out front looking like she was waiting for people to show up. I remembered that she was going to make showing up a big part of the grade so I ran out so that it'd be obvious that I was there. But I went out the wrong side and so had to go running around towards the front, which was not a short distance and was taking a long time and making me tired. Kind of like racing with that guy on Saturday.

In our back yard was this big mess of muddy ponds and PVC pipe. And there were worms all over the place. There was a garden on the top floor of Brockert hall that was open to the sky. So if you were on the roof you could climb down into it. And I'm pretty sure there was something about Def Leppard in there, and also something about a leftover veggie bagel (the kind you used to be able to get from glenview before the tomatos didn't grow).

I was standing in my backyard at night looking at the sky. The clouds were moving fast. The more I looked at them, the faster they seemed to be moving. I looked north and saw the sun. It became day and then night again, over and over. I thought about how much time I was missing, and wondering if time was going by so fast for everyone else, too. Then I realized how weird and nonsensical this was. The sun wasn't even moving. It was just sitting in one place in the sky going on and off. And I realized that it was just a dream. So I started flying around. I couldn't think of anywhere cool to fly to, though. And I knew that soon I'd wake up or forget that I was dreaming and it'd be over. I flew up on top of some sort of bridge. And I flew to that garden on top of Brockert. And that's all I remember.