date: 2004-12-21
description: Too much AOE
lj-entry-id: 47,232

Too much AOE - 2004-12-21 - Entry 565 - TOGoS's Journal

Most of my dreams last night involved building walls, houses, and bombard towers in pleasting configurations. Probably because I played AOE about 16 times yesterday.

But there were also a few dreams about ZDoom. In one it was night and we were in this big open hilly area (there were some buildings and cliffs to one side, maybe) trying to build these tall towers so we could go up on top and see real far. There were 2 different kinds of towers we could build - There was a shorter but straight brownish one, and a weird grey tall one that was like a big upside-down U with a clock in the top part or something - both had some sort of thick platform on top with scaffolding underneath. We tried building each at their maximum height, but we weren't able to get them as tall as we wanted. Finally we realized we had to advance to the imperial age, first, and then we could build the big tall ones. So we did that and it was neat.

There was this big Rock6 canyon with a lake in it I had created. I was jumping into it enjoying the sensation of falling. Then this huge metal ship pulled up nearby. I was with some other people and we were exploring the ship, which seemed to be mostly 'trenches' in the surface with lots of pipes going to big machines and fences and gates that we couldn't get though and so had to find a way around.

There was a part where I was working on building this indoor stairway. I was using some fancy new lighting features and it was looking really nice. I think it was part of a railroad station or something, because these other ZDoomers kept coming in and out and looking at what I was doing. While I was working on this I heard that the newest version of ZDoom had incorporated features from a Doom port called "Doom3D". That allowed it to do Build-type stuff with floating flats, added lighting effects, and made terminal velocity higher (I don't think Doom actually does terminal velocity - maybe it just made gravity higher - but you can do that in MAPINFO..).

Anyway, in the final part, I was sitting in my hole in the backyard. It turned out that sitting in the hole with my computer sitting on the edge made for very comfortable computing. Some ZDoom guys had re-made episode 3 of Doom using the new features, and it was actually a lot of fun. I was playing through it.