date: 2005-05-13
music: Mulkers 35 and 36
description: Filling water bottles from the kitchen sink
lj-entry-id: 488,63

Filling water bottles from the kitchen sink - 2005-05-13 - Entry 654 - TOGoS's Journal

I was running around this course on these streets in Platteville. There were lots of folks doing it. It was for some gym class or something. Once in a while I ran into Fizz or somebody else I knew (who was also running, but at a different speed or at a different point on the course) and we'd talk for a while.

Later I was working on a Doom level. I only remember that because I took notes. Otherwise I don't remember anything about the level.

I was in the bathroom. Apparently Davida still lived with us. She was talking to me through the air duct, asking if I could pass a towel down. Apparently she had just made some sort of mess down there. I asked if couldn't I just 'undo' all this 'coolness' (she had been trying to do something cool when she made the mess), and she was like: "Oh, uhhh... yeah I guess that would work, too."

So I undid.

There was some lightning storm going on to the east. I could see it out the bathroom window. Except to the east it was all farms and country (and maybe a small town) instead of the beltline. As if our house was out at the edge of Platteville like I'm so used to being. There were some big lightnings coming down. It looked like they were hitting the ground and causing fires. As I watched they got bigger and bigger and a big fire broke out, this one a bit closer. I was glad I wasn't living in that town that was just hit and was now, like, totally burning. Then I heard a huge crash and our house exploded into flames. I ran to the kitchen to find my dad putting out the fires, so I helped him. It seemed we were all OK. A bit like that tornado dream.

I went out with my parents and we stopped at this grassy place where a couple roads came together. A bus stopped and Dawne and Heather jumped out and ran up to meet us. They were just kids. We were picking them up from some girl scout trip. Jon must be back at home. I shouldn't even be born for about 7 more years, but here I was standing around being 18, as if I had just gone back in time or something. (Note to readers: I'm actually 21. These last few years haven't registered properly because I've been at college, where time gets screwed up and goes too fast). Well, regardless of why I'm 25 years ahead of things, this is my oppurtunity to fix all the mistakes and give all the warnings and all the 'hey wait just a minute's I can to set things right.
