date: 2005-05-22
music: Phylo - Dance
description: And I still hate boyfriends, too.
lj-entry-id: 493,193

And I still hate boyfriends, too. - 2005-05-22 - Entry 657 - TOGoS's Journal

Stupid george Bush says he doesn't want us to fund research that 'destroys life in order to save life'. Just how many people did we kill in Iraq in the name of democracy? This has got to be some sort of cruel joke gotten way out of hand. I have a hard time believing that people are really this dumb.

Fizz came back last night, we had to go to the movie theater to sell our 2 tickets to some guy (at a loss) for 10$. Then we tried to run back but didn't make it. Worked on Crapi 21 and 22 plans. LAN party today at Kevin's house. Would have been cool except that the AOE games always turned out dumb and our team just sort of walked all over AA and Joh and Atticus every time and they died and it was stupid. We should have played on TOGoS3d with unlocked teams.

And I have Star Wars on DVD. It's got numbers at the top, and it's stretched funny, but it's perfectly watchable and I've got it. I'll probably watch it sometime.

Then I ran around the block (to ORE and back) and then I went to the park and sat on the swing a bit to cool down. Wished I wasn't all alone there. It's dumb about all the hoops you have to jump through to find someone. And how I seem to be missing that bone that tells everyone else how to do it. No, we can't just talk and be honest. That would be creepy or weird.