date: 2005-05-26
description: Commencement of a summer of boredom
lj-entry-id: 495,120

Commencement of a summer of boredom - 2005-05-26 - Entry 659 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream last night in which my dad and I were getting harassed by a cop and we totally told him off. Night before there was a dream in which I was back at Memorial except it was this tall skyscraper (courtyards became large vertical shafts) with all the windows lit up at night. There were tie-fighters coming at me and I was shooting at them with this plasma cannon type thing. Then they became this big weird scary shaped aircraft. And I decided I wanted to go into the big tall floaty room but then I realized that that was from a different dream (the one that seemed to inspire Narg 9.4), and so I couldn't really go there. I went to the library instead. And was hiding from janitors or something.

Fizz and I went biking down to Belleville this morning and that was tiring but a good time anyway. We went down the future south corridor bike trail and highway A and came back along a bunch of highways that we didn't really know where they went and we ended up on top of bridge 127 where we ate our biscuts. And then we rode around more and got back eventually and later I went to his house to give him check fer Ben and there was a photo album party in which I made a few appearances.

Now that Fizz is going back to Platteville tomorrow (and gonna work at Steve's Pizza), I guess I'd better start finding something to do with myself. CLA is good but not very time consuming. (stupid remark about not having a GF and how I hear they're a great way to waste time goes here.) So I'll probably start doing the computer fixing business again. And I think I'll be volunteering for our organic farm people. Hopefully they'll hire me to work on teh farm next summer. Unless I can find something better to do. Which I have no idea whether it will happen or not.