date: 2005-07-05
description: because girls don't care
lj-entry-id: 515,246

because girls don't care - 2005-07-05 - Entry 679 - TOGoS's Journal

Bought gorp ingredients for my trip. Maybe I'll leave tonight. Gotta make some gorp and make CDs. Had dreams while I was sleeping.

I was going to a movie with Fizz. The way we drove there we took a shortcut that went by Oakwood over to Gammon, where the theater was. I thought I kept seeing Martha, there. On the way back Fizz had to stop and go to work. He worked at a place that was right along the shortcut.

Fizz and Abz didn't have a house or anything so every night they would climb into the school from the roof and sleep in some room. The front end of this place looked like Memorial, but the back end looked like ORE/Toki with a big confusing addition on the end of it. And then I was taking a gym class there. Except in this gym class we shot at stuff with guns. There were a couple of guys, and one of them was standing over by the wall and the other guy was shooting around the first guy. I thought that seemed like it would be dangerous.

I wanted to get into the building early one morning. The Memorial end was all locked up, but the Toki end was open, so I went in there. I was wandering up and down these halls, but I didn't know where I was because this was part of the addition. I wandered into some room without anything covering all the wires and pipes in the ceiling. There were some people sitting around at a table. I was standing over by a red square on the wall with an ant crawling around on it. Some dude was trying to convince me to kill the ant and I was trying to tell the dude that that was stupid because the ant wasn't doing anything to him. And then I looked up and saw that there were ants crawling all along one section of the ceiling and all the people said "ewww" and stuff.

Then I found out that to get out of this place you had to play this game where you'd fly around in this hovercraft type thing and shoot tennis balls at stuff to get into the next room. All the rooms' walls were translucent plastic backlit by bright colored lights.

Maybe I got through this place. Then I realized that the reason I didn't seem able to leave was because I was in the Sims. So I just had this guy sit at a desk and do homework and it was boring.

Then there was this fat guy riding a bike and he let me ride on his lap to get to school. Except we went to Woodmans.

I was going to go drive somewhere in teh car. So I went out to the driveway and there was some guy in a suit looking at the car. While I got in he told me that he was there to make sure that I didn't drive off. So I told him to get in, and he told me that I'd have to keep at least one hand on the steering wheel all the time. So I did that. But I had a big teddy bear riding in the passenger seat so the guy had to sit in the back.