mood: Itchy eyes
date: 2005-07-10
subject: Icky green universe
music: Hillbillies
lj-entry-id: 517,248

Icky green universe - 2005-07-10 - Entry 681 - TOGoS's Journal

While I was sleeping this morning I had a dream in which there was this graveyard next to this power plant. I don't remember what the power plant had to do with anything, except that the guy that ran the power plant was in some nasty business with the dead people. They didn't get buried right, and ended up in this gross green place where you couldn't die and physics didn't work quite right and it was all very depressing. This guy that was supposed to be my mom's dad had just died and been buried in the graveyard, and now he was stuck in this dumb place. He tried to fight the guy that was keeping them there but it was impossible to beat him - the guy just cut my grandpa's ear or his nose off and sent him back down.

Outside I had somehow figured out what was going on and tried to fight my way into the powerplant which supposedly was creating the nasty green place. And a bunch of ninjas jumped out and stopped me and threw me out.

Back down in the other universe the dead people fought with rockets that didn't work right because the physics in this universe were screwed up. Surrounding them was an ocean or a green mist that somehow stopped them from going anywhere. It was very frustrating.

What they did have was a row of computers running putty SSHing to the outside. My grandpa (who was taking on my personality) took a guess and typed "exit", which took him back to the windows command prompt. Where he typed "deltree". And deleted the filesystem at the powerplant. And the universe collapsed and he got a new nose and everyone lived happily ever after :P

That was yesterday after I got back from Platteville. I had stopped in Ridgeway to take a break and read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance' and then biked on and arrived in Barneveld at about 12:20 where I stopped again and read and napped until it started getting light out because I didn't want to bike in the dark any more because it was too spooky and hard to see where I was going. And coming back from Mount Horeb I looked for blackberries and stopped to eat them whenever I found some.

Today church was really stupid. The folks that went on the high school mission trip showed this really dumb video. It would have been cool if they had just shown pictures and talked about what they were doing and stuff but instead they just did this dumb picture slideshow with dumb music thing that I think they actually did last year, too and it was really stupid. I was embarassed to be there.

Later I had a dream that people on the cube forum were telling me to buy an old 20$ video card because my 200$ Radeon 9800 had quirks. It was depressing.

My eyes itch.