date: 2005-08-03 13:05
lj-entry-id: 526,114

2005-08-03 13:05 - Entry 692 - TOGoS's Journal

I was going to walk down to the store, but it was raining. For some reason I was wearing a tie and a fancy jacket. And old torn up shorts. There were these guys I was talking to. I think they were working on making a video game or something. They were showing it to me and it looked really cool.

So I was playing this demo for some new game. At first it looked like GTA. I was driving around in this car. I came to the top of this hill where the road was surrounded by buildings and it came to a dead-end. One of the advertised features of this game was that you could store crates of weapons and ammo in 3 different places on the car: on the left, right, and between the seats. Which was good in this situation because someone started shooting at me from the right, so I jumped over into the driver's seat, got out a big gun and secondary-fired a rocket into the hole they were hiding in.

Another thing you could do with the guns in this game (which were all really big arm-sized things) is use them to jet around. You'd point them at the ground and press somewhere near the secondary fire button (which was a little red button by where your thumb went). I was jetting around like this for a while - up over some power lines and over the golf course. It didn't seem to ever run out of oomph like in Tribes - you could just keep going as long as you wanted. Eventually I figured out that pushing the secondary fire button was what made you jet around, but I wasn't sure how the gun knew that you wanted to do that and not shoot rockets.

There was this other little guy flying around the golf course and trying to shoot me. He was yelling all these insults at me about how it was wussy of me to try to fly away and confuse him instead of just coming around and fighting. Then I flew through this building and picked up a different weapon. It was sort of like the BFG but it shot these little grey missles that blew up into these big huge grey blobs that hurt whatever you were shooting at a lot. This was the gun that the guy chasing me had been using and that was why I had been so scared of him. So now I went and hid behind the building while he flew through. And then when he found out I was behind him, he got really scared and tried to run away. It was awesome.

I don't know if I ever killed him, but the game was telling me that I had finished the level and that I should jump into this mecha-fabrication machine. So I jumped up on this conveyor belt and the machine, not knowing that I wasn't one of their guys, stuck me in a little control room and started building a big robot all around me. And then it started going through this storage area where you could grab stuff that you wanted as you went by. I grabbed some glass bottles Pepsi, and admired the real-time stencil shadows. It told me I wasn't being violent enough, so I threw one of the bottles against a bunch of crates where it broke and make a mess. The machine congratulated me. And Fizz said "oh my god I can't believe you did that" or something. And then it moved out into this place that was like the check-out area of a grocery store. And I was so excited because this game was so awesome.

It was sort of like GTA / Unreal 4 / Invader Zim.

Then I woke up. And I was almost dissapointedd but then I realized that someday games really would be that awesome.