date: 2005-08-10
subject: dipthyria
lj-entry-id: 528,4

dipthyria - 2005-08-10 - Entry 693 - TOGoS's Journal

So I was watching a demo for this game called "Dipthyria" (not to be confused with Diphtheria). It was sort of Half-Life 2-ish (more likely Duke Nukem Forever-ish, but who knows at this point). In the demo we were running through a city, climbing up through buildings and skywalks and things, trying not to get shot and getting frustrated when we didn't have the right key. And it was really nice looking and fun, etc. So I thought this game was totally awesome and I wanted it. So I googled/kazaad for it and came up with a picture of the box containing the game sitting at the bottom of someone's chimney with directions on how to get there. So I flew over (apparently he either lived nearby or flying across the world was just not a big deal), climbed down his chimney, and borrowed the game. When I came out there was this guy coming across the road looking at me. I assumed it was the guy and so I was telling him how I thought letting people actually borrow the physical box of game was a great idea. But it wasn't him; it was some neighbor and then I had to explain everthing before he would stop looking at me funny.

That was a few nights ago. More recently I had a dream that it was raining and my dad and I were trying to hook up some pipes to the gutter, but we had to attach all these adapters with brushes on them and it was really confusing. And then there was some stuff about how in older episodes of MASH, they always approaced the compound using the driveway, whereas in newer episodes they just cut across the lawn and saved themselves about half a mile of driving. I liked the old way better.