date: 2005-09-24 23:42
current-music: aKido - China Babies
lj-entry-id: 554,13
current-project: TCsWebServGui

2005-09-24 23:42 - Entry 717 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was being mayor. Like in Simcity or something, except it wasn't like Simcity - it was like I was really the mayor, walking around and living in my Mayor house and stuff. At first I was in a place that seemed to resemble the basement of my parents' house. Some friends of mine were there and we were having a LAN party. I was trying to distribute Reason 3.0 to people, and I seemed to be having some trouble doing so. I don't remember what the trouble was.

Later there were these 2 teenagers that were after me for some reason. I think they were accusing me of corruption. I ended up in sort of a battle with them, and they were pushing me back toward the point of a cliff. As you approached the point (within about 50 feet) the ground rose and there were 2 fences. Actually they weren't much of fences - they were just frames of fences. I was going to get in my helicopter that was parked at the corner but then one of the kids pushed it off and I was kinda pissed.

In yet another dream I was in some class and Martha was teaching it. William Richardson (the jerk) was in the class, too, and he was being a jerk. I felt kind of stupid when I was taking sides with Martha, she being in charge and all, but I realized that Will was always a jerk and not much of a friend, anyway. How strange I thought it was that Martha was teaching a class that Will and I were in, as we were all about the same age.

In the final dream I was working on the farm. I don't know which one. I was walking past the yellow (on the inside) watermelons that had been cut but they had left about a 1/4th chunk of each one attached to the vine. I thought I'd take one and start munching on it, but everyone was looking at my like I was doing something wrong and as I walked past the house someone pointed out to the lady of the farm what I was doing. So I got chewed out for that and she was telling me how everyone always feels bad when they get chewed out about doing something wrong, but I didn't feel bad about getting chewed out, only about ruining a watermelon. And then I walked into a barn and was looking at tools.

Current music is awesome, BTW.