date: 2005-09-27
lj-entry-id: 555,189

2005-09-27 - Entry 718 - TOGoS's Journal

I was playing Stronghold. I had guys all over the map, sort of taking over the world. I was building a double stone wall down south to keep the baddies out, and all was well. Except that all my rediculously leveled-up fighters started dying off. Eventually I realized that I hadn't allocated enough resources to health regeneration, but by that time my guys were almost all dead.

Maybe I started over or something. I was then playing around with stone walls and gates like they were lego pieces.

Casie and her boyfriend were hanging out in casey's room making a lot of noise in the middle of the night. Except out house was a U-shape with my room and her room on opposite sides of the U, so I could look right out the window and see them having a party in there with all the lights turned on. It was sort of annoying.

There was this video I had of some factory or something in russia. In the video they accidentally shot off a missle which crashed into a gasoline tank and made a huge nasty fireball. I was showing this video to someone trying to convince them that...I don't know. Maybe that violent videos can be educational or something. Randy Heit of ZDoom fame had something to do with all this.

Too much impossible DiffEq homework, and I need to be studying for linear algebra.