date: 2005-09-28 23:59
subject: since Sunday night
lj-entry-id: 556,18

since Sunday night - 2005-09-28 23:59 - Entry 719 - TOGoS's Journal

So it's almost midnight. I need to upload files to and fix up my resume for the carrier fare tomorrow which I'm only going to to see A-Day but I'll make resumes and bring a polo shirt and a tie just in case. A few hours ago I started writing the following paragraphs, which I will finish writing after I finish writing this one.

So it's like 8:30. A bit ago I got back from an ACM meeing at which I was working on some DiffEq homework that was due today but is actually due tomorrow before 13:00. Other than that and 3 slices of pizza and some Mt. Dew and Pepsi the meeting was pretty pointless. I was going to talk about D5.2 but they want to give people with other ideas time to think about it so it'll be next week that I get to do that.

Before the ACM meeting I was taking a Linear Algebra test. That test was easy but I was really stupid at the time because it was past 15:00 so it was hard.

Before the test I was sitting in a room in Gardner studying for the test for about 45 minutes. And before I started studying for the Linear Algebra test I was sitting in about the same spot doing the DiffEq homework that was sort of due today but not really due until 13:00 tomorrow when Haertzen leaves until like next week.

Before that I was sitting in Econ, simultaneously taking notes on the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and working on DiffEq homework. And before that I was in my music class, taking notes on Renaissance composers or some crap while doing DiffEq homework. Before music I was in the library working on DiffEq homework, and before I was in the library I was in DiffEq getting new homework which I haven't started yet.

Before coming to DiffEq I took a few minutes finishing up last night's entry about the dreams I had the night before. And before that I was half asleep, half being woken up by Ben and Fizz fussing about breakfast, and half wishing I could get back to sleep to manipulate some equation that I was so close to solving in terms of dy/dx. Just need to add x to both sides...

Before going to sleep last night I had been sitting around with Ben since I came back from the library where I was tutoring bodickt on the art of solving 2-dimensional physics problems involving constant acceleration working on DiffEq. That is, after bodickt had had enough tutoring for the night I came home and did DiffEq with ben until my need for sleep outweighed my need to further progress through homework #3. Before bodick showed up and got tutored for 2.3 hours I had been sitting in the library for about 1 and a half hours doing DiffEq. Before that I had been sitting at a computer in the library cleaning up my projects page and adding a link to, streamlining the script used to generate my uwpsites pages, and other, possibly related, web development diddlings.

Before that I had gone to Linear Algebra and SE. Before that I had been starting the previous entry or sleeping, and before that I had been working on DiffEq. Earlier in the day I had turned in to my music teacher my second concert report, which I had written Sunday night, after the corresponding concert. Earlier Sunday and Saturday I had spent working on TCsWebServ, which was plesant and possibly useful.

Oh, man. I just went outside to use the outhouse (the bush next to the porch). The sky is so clear and the stars are so bright it's absolutely beautiful. But I got things to do and sleep to catch up on, so I'll just write about it instead of going out and enjoying it. :(