tags: elevator-dreams
date: 2005-10-10
description: Excessive elevators
lj-entry-id: 561,96

Excessive elevators - 2005-10-10 - Entry 724 - TOGoS's Journal

There was a building that I had to go to the bottom of to get something. I didn't like the bottom floor of this building (which was like 5 stories underground) because there were no stairs up - there was only a single elevator. What if the electricity went out or it got stuck or something? So whenever I was down there I tried to get out as quickly as I could. But I found out that it wasn't only the bottom floor that was like that - you had to go through several floors and switch elevators several times. Go up 2 floors, walk down a hallway, go up another elevator, maybe take some stairs to another room where you'd get into another elevator, and climb a ladder to get to the parking garage. In reverse if you were going down rather than up, which unfortunately I had to do because I had left my hat down there or something. I usually had someone with me when I went. Either my mom or Fizz.

Fizz and I were walking out of this building and into some dorm. There was a big huge mass of people waiting to register for classes or to get into the dorms. Maybe we took part in that. We walked out the south side of the building and went back home, where Ben was taking about how he thought the building would fall over because there were so many people on one end, and how it would've fallen over on us as we walked out because we walked out the opposite end as all the people were in. I said I didn't think that was very likely.

And there was something about my dad coming to pick me up.

Oh, hmmm. And now I realize that I also had a dream about playing Stronghold. I was doing my standard thing of making Fighters, Elves, and Dwarves.