date: 2005-12-15
lj-entry-id: 585,217

2005-12-15 - Entry 746 - TOGoS's Journal

Someone had invited me to watch some movie with them. People were becoming embedded in this building. Like this one guy was walking along one day, and all of a sudden he was a section of floor. Similar things happened to a few other people. It caused a lot of confusion, especially when Lisa Simpson got turned into a big block of stone blocking the exit.

Then the building was a high school. It had sort of a concrete moat around it that was empty at the time. But there weas this big hollow in the middle of the buidling (you usually couldn't get to it, but there was a hatch at the top that went to the roof, and you could get to the bottom by coming through a tunnel) that was mostly full of gross water. I was swimming around in there I think because I was trying to find a way out of the building now that the front door was blocked. I was standing at a window (one of those vertical castle windows like Memorial has) and yelling at a janitor that I knew who was standing outside to open up the pipes, so that the water could flow out of the hollow in the middle of the building into the moat.

Underneath all this was...a big dark place. It was as if I walked through it on the way to work every day. I would walk in a door to a room with a receptionist and maybe some other people that said hi to me, and then behind that I could either turn right and go up a stairway (this reminds me of a dream I think I had over Thanksgiving Break, which I have now added to entry 742), or I could go straight out onto this catwalk that went through a big dark cavernous room.

There was an enclosed walkway that went along a river. That is, the walkway was much like a hallway from Memorial in size and lighting, but it went along a river and the south side (I was walking westward) was full of windows looking out over the river and the surrounding terrain. There was one point that was very important, because that was where the river became Niagra Falls (the river went down over the falls from east to west). It was actually much smaller than Niagra Falls, but it was impressive anyway. There were signs talking about how great this waterfall was.

Nearby the river attached to a lake, and this was the lake Joh and I had canoed to once upon a time (in real life we didn't actually get to the next lake - we turned around shortly after entering the river from lake Monona). I was wandering along the side (this reminds me of yet another dream) and came to a building. Gwenwhyfar was there, and I said hi and stuff. And then I went back to the hallway along the river.

There were these huge granite structures like in Crapi 13. I was getting a little bit carried away and made them go all over the world. And then I was stacking them, making these big tubes that went thousands of miles out into space. Fizz and I were sitting up on top of one of them, enjoying a very clear view of Mars and the stars. I realized it was a bit scary to be that high up, especially since there were no railings or anything (the scale seemed to have changed a bit, so that even though these tubes were hundreds of miles thick relative to the earth, we could fall off either side). Then I realized that we couldn't be up there because (A) there was no atmosphere up there and we'd explode, and (B) these columns could not possibly hold themselves up.

        where I parked ↑

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  |  new      |
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  | cook |    |
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      boss office

It was night, and I had stopped my car in some parking lot. Ahead of me there was an SUV and I went up and placed the detachable camera from my cell phone on the dashboard, so I could watch what was happening on my phone. But then a bunch of people surrounded the SUV and I heard one of them talking about the phone camera they found. Oh, boy. It was going to be fun explaining to the police that I wasn't up to anything. I went over there and found it was a bunch of businessmen constructing a new office around the SUV. I asked if I could get my phone camera back and the boss said that that would take a little while, and he was leading me back to his office where I presumed my camera was. Just in case I something fishy was going on I put a couple sharp pieces of metal up my sleeves. Someone walking behind us was harassing me about that.

There was some lady in an office across the hall from the boss, and I was talking to her and it turned out she was the old cook and she was quitting. I became the new cook, and I made this large edible thing that represented prostate cancer, and then I stabbed it with a very large fork during a big company dinner. People cheered and stuff. Because that's what had killed the old cook. Prostate cancer.

I don't remember this dream, but I have written "guy I punched in the face".

There was some sort of bike race that Fizz and I were in. Except we weren't really in it, and we weren't trying to win, and we were hours behind everyone else. We were biking through the arboretum, and we were talking about how we would avoid the place where the finish line was because if we went there we'd just get laughed at a lot.