date: 2006-03-06 22:44
subject: Friggin' awesome
lj-entry-id: 608,249

Friggin' awesome - 2006-03-06 22:44 - Entry 767 - TOGoS's Journal

So yeah, like, I was totally getting all stressed about this phone interview with EPIC (EPIC looks really cool and I want to work there). Actually it turned out to just be some software guy asking me to clarify some things and tell him about what languages I liked and how much I could travel. And I asked him what I think were good questions so hopefully I left a good impression. Then I started makin' some fresh new beats (well, fresh new basslines are more my thing, but saying "fresh new beats" is fun).

I walked to the library and ran into NickJames and we talked and it was cool. It's snowed but been warm lately so there's good melty packing snow all over the place and I made snowballs and threw them across the road. Approaching the library I ran into A-Day and repeated the process.

During WOMSTD I took these awesome notes:

Towards the end of the (3 hour) class, I drew a picture of the guy sitting near the front of the class with his side to me. It was probably the best (most accurate) picture I had ever drawn of a person. He liked it so much that he took it home so that he can remember that class period (during which we mostly talked about sexuality) forver.

Then I got an email from this Eric guy telling me that my music was super-awesome and that his wife liked it and she didn't even like Trance (this sort of makes sense, because my music generally isn't very trancy). So that really made my day.

I love the feeling Perlin 1.2 gives me. Whenever I hear it I always feel just like I did about a year ago, staying up all night until A-Day woke up again working on Ruby scripts to turn Terragen scenes (most memorably this one) into Cube backgrounds. All week while I had a cold I kept feeling like I did back then, getting into Cube and then early versions of Sauerbraten, thinking it was going to be such an awesome thing (and it still might, for all I know). It's funny how smells and feelings can seem so much more vibrant a year after the fact.