date: 2006-03-13 20:20
subject: Spring Break
current-music: Nickelback - Rockstar
lj-entry-id: 609,37
current-project: Putting a white Z-Door area in Crapi MAP02

Spring Break - 2006-03-13 20:20 - Entry 768 - TOGoS's Journal

I was going to list all the things I had to do over spring break in this here journal entry. Un(?)fortunately by the time I got around to it, I had already done most of the things:

I still need to

Oh, and I had a dream based on the Outer Limits episode "Inconstant Moon". I was with Atticus and Armstrong and maybe A-Day and Fizz. We ended up at someone's house while waiting for the end of the world. I was messing with the computer and practicing running up and down the stairs. Everyone else was playing Magic.