date: 2006-03-31 22:33
subject: Massacre (and no, I didn't do my homework, either)
lj-entry-id: 616,49

Massacre (and no, I didn't do my homework, either) - 2006-03-31 22:33 - Entry 774 - TOGoS's Journal

Now that spring is here, we all decided it was time for a little change of pace. First off, we undid the crappy plastic insulation job we did for winter.

We haven't been able to go through that door for a long time. So we celebrated by going through it. Ben concentrated his energy to break the screen door that we never used.

I was amused.

Determined, Fizz looked on. (Meanwhile, A-Day blurred in the background.)

Once outside, we goofed off.

With scissors.

We began cutting our hair.

Things started to get out of hand.

One thing led to another, and pretty soon we were giving eachother extreme haircuts. Brose was happy to stay clear of this nonsense. As an alternative activity, he would later get himself blind drunk.

My new look.

Fizz looked like a monkey for a while.

A-Day had his hair terraced.

Later we decided it all had to go. I bet you can't guess whose heads those are.

This picture gives a slight hint about one of them.

Ben seemed to have won the baldness race. But then he has transparent hair.

Look how friendly we are! (And yes, A-Day shaved his eyebrows off.)

Just kidding. Actually we're going to beat the crap out of you.

And finally, DJ Masta Cool Guy made an appearance.