current-wather: Windy and stormy from the northwest
date: 2006-05-16 18:25
current-music: Way Out West - Don't Forget Me (Riley and Durant mix)
current-project: TOGoSTree2
lj-entry-id: 624,186

2006-05-16 18:25 - Entry 783 - TOGoS's Journal

A couple nights ago I had a dream in which I was floating around a big spaceship that was going somewhere. There were lots of bars and things inside that you could swing around on, and Scott Nykl was there. Otherwise, I remember that I spent a lot of my swinging around time thinking ahbout how I'd like to write down all the things that were happening so I wouldn't forget after I woke up, but I remembered how writing things down in my dreams is generally a waste of time so I didn't.

Last night I had a dream that I bought a new bike from Wal-Mart. It was just like my old bike but new, and it came in a big box. I started thinking about what to do with my old bike.

I had a nice little dance party last night. It was great when I just used one flakey strobelight and half the time it was totally dark. Later after folks came home Ben put this Way Out West music on and it just kicked so much. And this weather is beautiful.