date: 2006-05-17 16:37
subject: Big scary cat
lj-entry-id: 625,109

Big scary cat - 2006-05-17 16:37 - Entry 784 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that Fizz and I were walking home from somewhere at night. We walked across the parking lot of Sub Zero as we usually did. Some policeman was there and he stopped us. He was nice though and let us go once it was obvious that we weren't up to anything and he didn't get all nosy.

I was walking to my last final. The path we took to campus went throgh the country. There were some bushes and a fence and a field on one side, and a barn and some big maple trees and a farm house on the left. I came onto the trail from the left and saw NickJames a couple hundred feet behind me on the trail. I waved at him and he waved back. As I walked on I noticed a big cat (looked like a lynx) to the right of the trail in the field, behind a row of bushes farther up the trail. At first I just kept walking, but the cat started walking towards me, and I started running, headed for the barn. I looked back to see that it was catching up with me quickly and stopped, getting ready to fight it.