date: 2006-06-01 12:30
subject: Like, 2 more Z-Doors to go.
current-activity: Taking a break for lunch.
lj-entry-id: 632,100

Like, 2 more Z-Doors to go. - 2006-06-01 12:30 - Entry 791 - TOGoS's Journal

Lessons from yesterday:

  1. Don't give Madison Metro your money. Their service is super-crappy.
  2. Always bring a hat and/or sunglasses to work with you in case the bus misses you and you have to walk home because some idiot put the bus stop on the wrong side of the road.
  3. The fence between the arboretum and the beltline is very sharp. Do not try to climb over it unless you find a very low spot that you can just step over.


I was feeling really confused. I was wandering around, waking up in various places at various times of the day. Sometimes Fizz or A-Day was there, and I'd hang out with him for a while. Every time I woke up I'd remember that I was supposed to be going to work or classes or something, but I'd try to think about it and I couldn't for the life of me even remember what classes I was currently taking, let alone where they were or what time I was supposed to show up for them. Or what time it was now, for that matter.

There was this voxel-based game that I was checking out. It wasn't as memory-intensive as the voxel cave demo, as it re-used many small models and made various assumptions about the size and shepe of the terrain. A skunk came up to us while we weren't looking and started slupring up our cool-aid. This totally pissed of C-3P0 because now the skunk was going to have gross sugary farts all over the place. He kept insisting that he hated skunks, so I knew he was going to be mad when the skunk grew on a mustache, turned into a muppet, and brought his entire family over to visit in 2 trucks (one to carry dip, the other one for towels).

Yesterday I woke up half an hour early to the sound of a mouse gnawing through my ceiling. I think that went along with my dream about the skunk.