date: 2006-06-15 16:57
subject: There's been a reorganization
lj-entry-id: 637,246

There's been a reorganization - 2006-06-15 16:57 - Entry 796 - TOGoS's Journal

Moving all my files around. Should be less cluttered and make more sense than the old 'put everything you care about under "stuff"' scheme

Fizz and I tried playing through Crapi 21 and 22 last night. We found a lot of bugs (like 'no red keycard' and 'replace rock6 with stone8 by switch', among other things). We saw maybe half of what existed, spending about an hour looking for the red keycard which (as implied by the bug title) I forgot to put in.

Also need to make a map to put on a wall somewhere, or nobody's ever going to figure this out.

I dreampt about work.