date: 2006-07-15
subject: Today is really boring
lj-entry-id: 646,12

Today is really boring - 2006-07-15 - Entry 806 - TOGoS's Journal

LAN party tomorrow, though.

I had a dream that I was with some people (Fizz, Armstrong were there) in Madison. Except this was the future and Madison was now buried under a mile of woodchips, the surface of which was extremely hilly. At one point we were standing on top of one ridge, looking towards a giant woodchip cave. Armstrong said "hey guys, check this out", and then he shot his rocket launcer and a rocket went into the cave and tunneled through the wall, coming out at a different place on the wall. I worried that that wasn't too good for the structural integrity of the cave. Then he did it again, and sure enough, this time it all came crashing down. It was a bit scary, too, since it was so close to where we were. He was doing that to other nearby hills, too, and soon the valley between us and the next ridge to the south was filled with woodchips from all the collapsed hills.

Then there was this Doom level Fizz and I were working on. I kept forgetting to put STEP6 as an upper texture in this room with a steppy ceiling.