tags: holly-dreams, jerk-dreams
date: 2006-07-18 16:44
current-music: Elwood (Into The Shadow, etc)
current-reading: Neuromancer
lj-entry-id: 647,113

2006-07-18 16:44 - Entry 807 - TOGoS's Journal

I was at this auditorium full of kids about my age. The school orchestra was going to be playing, and there was a big crowd of people going in to watch it. And I saw Holly there. I went in to say hi, but she didn't want to talk to me; she was busy talking to a bunch of jerks that were sitting around her. Then I tried to invite her out into the hall to eat a big cookie with me, but she didn't go for that, either. I was getting super frustrated.

We were having a food day at Widen. Except everyone had to bring their own food (about halfway through the dream I realized this made it not much of a food day). We were supposed to be eating our lunches in this room that was off in a little building by itself, connected to the rest of the building by a little hallway with big windows that you could look out of and see a garden with dew-covered trees. I felt bad about messing up the car. And even moreso about the situation with the jerks.

I went outside and was near the top of a grassy hill. At the bottom and to the right was the ocean, and at the top of the hill to my right was a town. I walked to the town with a an old Japanese couple that happened to be on the hill with me and as we arrived someone started telling me about the structures there. The town was one big building, made by cementing together small, cube-shaped buildings made of brick and stone. Inside there were homes and museums and all sorts of things. Normally towns built like this were not very structurally sound, but in this one, I was being told, the cubes were cemented together in a staggered pattern. I was confused because it looked to me like the things were stuck together in a grid, and the highlights (transparent blue boxes rendered on top of the video) were showing extra supports placed between layers of units. I didn't know what that had to do with staggering, or how that would've helped the town survive the bombing that I'd heard about earlier. I walked off to one corner of the town that had a big red brick chimney. This part of town was made in one piece and the architecture was more consistent.

Holly and the jerks had left that concert and I was running after. I caught up and put my arms around her and was telling her how much I missed her. One of the jerks was making fun of me and I made a lame threat at him. Then everyone lauged at me. It was awful.