date: 2006-08-18 16:22
lj-entry-id: 658,59

2006-08-18 16:22 - Entry 819 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this large brown building, maybe a dorm or a hospital. From above it looked like a big square "C". But with a block under the bottom left corner. There were some dangerous experiments going on in that part of the building. It was a bit surprising to me that they'd do them there, instead of somewhere far away, as it was only separated from the rest of the building by their outer walls.

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At some point I was having a bit of an adventure down there. Maybe some monster was trying to get us and then there was some wandering around the outside of building that feels like it was an important part of the dream but I don't remember it. This feeling sort of blended with the other dreams, too.

I had just finished kindergarten. I could tie my shoes. Nobody was going to be telling me what to do, now! I felt so independent. Having finished kindergarten turned into having gotten through a big dark room in a FF7-like game. I had beaten some boss and now I was up in a smaller, not-so-dark room, wanting to go back into the big room to look for secrets I might have missed but not able to because of a dumb invisible wall. I was considering hacking the game to let me back in there, but the guy who designed it told me that it wasn't worth the trouble.

After re-arranging my room for a while, I realized that I had a whole bunch of flat-panel monitors lying around and hooked a couple of them up to each of my 2 computers. And then I was playing some glitzy game that involved flying arond a lot of multi-colored hills. Staboh was there making fun of me everytime I flew to close to the edge of the map where mountains went up into the sky and stopped (this is something you see in a lot of Terragen scenes that tries to hide that the end of the world is just on the otherside of the hill. It looks kind of dumb either way).