date: 2006-08-21 10:44
subject: Einsteinium
lj-entry-id: 659,209

Einsteinium - 2006-08-21 10:44 - Entry 820 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreampt that I somehow ended up in Iran. There was a man there with the face of a rat. I had to get out, because Iran's a crappy place to be. Then there was some unrelated stuff that might've been interesting.

Fizz and Joh and I went for an interestig run last night. Ended up walking through a swamp. Got covered with burrs and maybe poison ivy. Ran back to the car and went home. Took a shower and went to Fizz's house to watch him play Motherload, which is a totally sweet game. Also ate more ice cream (because Mary made me). Not the worst use of a weekend.

Also, my finger's getting better.