date: 2006-08-25 16:32
subject: Cool things to do?
lj-entry-id: 662,254

Cool things to do? - 2006-08-25 16:32 - Entry 823 - TOGoS's Journal

[16:30] BoxOfLAME: Looks like another lame-ass weekend
[16:30] *** Auto-response from BoxOfDumb: beer fest
[16:30] BoxOfLAME: oh great

Feeling kinda lousy about how I never really do anything interesting. Not so bad, except that once in a while I look over at one of deutsch_mary's posts and am reminded that other people do stuff. Jim's going to Japan for school next semester. That's awesome. I'm just going to continue to bum around Madison and go to work every day. I suck.

I should probably join one of those groups of folks that does stuff. Preferably one that doesn't consist entirely of old people. Not that I have anything against old people but...that's not really what I'm looking for right now.

Yesterday I made 49.36$ by installing a new ethernet card for a guy. Then I spent 1$ on a big glass of cool-aid from some kids down Hammersley. Whee.