date: 2006-08-24 15:47
subject: Hellogoodbye is jerks and sucks.
current-music: Flickerstick - Coke
lj-entry-id: 661,138

Hellogoodbye is jerks and sucks. - 2006-08-24 15:47 - Entry 822 - TOGoS's Journal

Some dreams:

Riding the bus around, left my backpack on a seat somewhere. The bus driver was nice, though, and let me back on to get it.

I was at Best Buy to buy a PS3. Ended up carrying around about 600$ of various parts before I realized it wasn't worth it and put it all away.

Dream about this sweet mini-game at the end of TGL. It was extremely impressive for an NES game. You flew down a hill through a city, shooting at a few baddies along the way. It was shown from a first person view, and the world around you was wonderfully detailed - you could look in apartment windows and see plants growing inside. Obviously it had all been pre-rendered, except for a small part of the city where you could fly around somewhat freely to shoot at some nasty flying robots. The walls there were all gray and blocky. Easy rendering. Then you'd fly out again and along a road...

...that led Fizz and me to this industrial section of town. Some robbers had managed to replace the computerized doors on some air ducts in some buildings with their own. They looked exactly the same, but they wouldn't set the alarms off when these guys went through. They happened to be doing this just as we were walking through, so we headed north, across road (almost getting hit by the baddies as they drove by recklessly), and to some railroad tracks. There was a lot of construction going on around the railroad tracks, and we were afraid we might get in trouble there until we realized that the construction had nothing to do with either the robbers, the company getting robbed, or the police.

And then we were down in Florida, or some place where it was warm and there were a lot of tropical trees. Seemed like Fizz was there, maybe his folks, and mine. It was as if we had just had a graduation party there, at the top of this cliff overlooking a small lake. I was adventuring down near the bottom, by myself but in sight of the others. It was pretty rocky down there. There was a very horizontalish waterfall that came rushing out into the lake from a small river that was mostly obscured by rocks and trees. I decided it'd be bad to step into it because it'd surely sweep me right into the lake, and I promptly fell into it backwards. Took a deep breath before I went underwater. Thought that my folks at the top of the cliff would worry when they didn't see me pop back up right away. Came up soon enough, but out of their view. Took a rather plesant swim back to the side of the lake, some detours that I don't remember but that made the dream seem longer (probably involving the last 2 paragraphs), and when I got back to the top of the cliff it seemed as if nobody had even noticed I was gone.

Woke up in the middle of the night due to continuous thunder and lightning and a bunch of bottles randomly falling out from behind the basement door right next to my room. As I tried to go back to sleep I heard a strange rumbling sound and for a bit I was convinced that a tornado was about to come down on our house. No such thing happened. (Yay.)

Stopped raining just as I got ready to go to work this morning, so I biked there. Nice was that there were no other bikers on the trail to be in my way. The bosses provided our lunch today, so I got some good food to eat while we watched Out Of Gas.

It was raining pretty hard at about 1:30, and I had to see the hand doctor at 2:45. So I left a bit earlier than 2:00 when the rain slowed down so that by the time it started pouring again (judging by the underdetailed 3-frame weather map I looked at) I'd be at the hospital. Didn't get wet directly by the rain so much as by biking through small lakes that had formed across the roads. It took the doctor about a minute to say "Looks good, use the buddy system, wear your splint if you're riding around on your bike. Come back in 3 weeks and we'll have you do some fist exercises." It hardly seemed worth leaving work 3 hours early. Rode home on Regent + the bike path, noting a few new rivers and waterfalls that ain't usually there, combining and making an even bigger river that runs under the bike path bridge (the one between Midvale and Odana), through some tunnels and streams to the duck pond, and into the marsh by lake Wingra.

The smaller waterfall was runoff from the Westmorland neighborhood. Right out of a big steel pipe that I had crawled into during the same adventure in which I followed the stream to, and got somewhat muddy in the aforementioned marsh. The bigger, louder waterfall came from a river that went alongside the bikepath from a pipe going under Midvale. On the other side of Midvale there's a bit of a retaining pond filled with water partly from a ditch along the east side of the bike path, but mostly from a pipe connected to the lakes in the middle of the golf course. Those lakes are in turn fed through 3 large pipes under the beltline that are attached to the pond behind Orchard Ridge park. The water in that pond probably has some interesting sources, too, but I think it's mostly just runoff from the surrounding neighborhood.