tags: d5ish
date: 2006-10-16
content-type: text/html
subject: Welcome to the Bahamas
lj-entry-id: 688,223

Welcome to the Bahamas - 2006-10-16 - Entry 857 - TOGoS's Journal

Awesome canoeing trip
  Parade in the way
  Looking for rides, getting equippment
  Drive home to put car away
  151 -> Dodgefille -> gas in Cobb -> Fennimore
    We skipped the party in Fennimore
  Almost hit a possum on hwy X, but not quite.
  Gotta buy parking stickers for 14$
  Looking for a bathroom or something
  Set up tents
    Some tents are very large.
    Some people don't know how to set up their tents.
  Marshmallows! Beer! Drunk!

  Sleep attempt. Too cold.
    Dreamt that the moon was showing chinese characters.
    Wanted to ask Yin-Chin what they meant.

  Breakfast. Granola+vanilla yogurt.
  Cool hike. Pretty views, and a cave.
    I wonder what will become of that group picture.
    Swing while people get water.
  Drive to put-in. Lunch.
  Hang out at put in for a long time.
    Lying in the sand.
    Sand angles and butt holes.
    'Ha' game.
    More lying in sand. Very plesant.
  Finally shuttle arrives.
  Kerem + co. speeches, canoe for a while.
  Land at awesome sandbar.
    Move stuffs onto awesome sandbar.
    Run around awesome sandbar, set up tents, do flips, take pictures.
    This place kicks so much. It's like real-life D5.2.
    Build fire. Lugging dead treas out of the woods.
    Eat marshmallows, pasta, and beer around fire.
  Sleep attempt. Not cold, but not comfy.
    Dreamt that the roads were covered with turtles and frogs.
    Their home had been destroyed by housing developments.
    Now they had nowhere to go, and those that were left were
      being run over and stepped on.
    Another dream that I was looking over some C++ code that Yin-Chin
      had written to help keep our tent warm.
  Wake up, get up.
    Finished last night's adventure with Yin-Chin.
      Island/penninsula? Territory markers, christmas tree.
    Pack up.  
  Canoe some more.
    Paddling + taking pictures = doesn't work.
    Some birds and things.
  Stop on another awesome sandbar for lunch.
  Canoe some more.
    Go under awesome bridge.
    Hook up with partners again.
      Trisha says it wont work.
      I do not believe.
    Reach Mississippi, stick by the shore. There is some excitement.
    More excitement as we bearly avoid crashing into some roots.
    Canoeing through woods.
      Need help to get across shallows.
      I remember this place.
  Reach take-out point.
    Unpack canoes.
    Wait around for shuttle. Eat gorp. Talk about bathrooms.
  Drive home.
    Civilization stop.
    Don't post pix of Sierra.
    What's so great about USA?
      It's different.
      Yeah, I know about that.
  Get to Madison. Put stuffs away.
  Nobody has a ride to SW Madison. YC provides.

  Sleep. Comfy. Imagining I am still surrounded by all the people from
    the trip.
    Dream that Elizabeth came to live with us.
    Mom must be crazy to take this on.
    They went shopping and bought a lot of pre-sweetened cereal.
    Dream that I was staying in the hotel that I pass on the way to
    Also some other stuff.