tags: chronologically-goofy-dreams hoofer-trip-dreams
date: 2006-10-31 14:44
subject: LAN peak
lj-entry-id: 692,60

LAN peak - 2006-10-31 14:44 - Entry 862 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that YC and I were going on this crazy hiking trip up with a few other people from the outing club. Some guy was leading us through woods and across logs over ravines on the way towards the top of this mountain. We kept spiralling up and up and up, and maybe we even had to camp before we finally reached the top (or maybe we camped at the top), where it became very steep (there was a path that spiralled around), and a final tall point of rock stuck up about 20 more feet. That final point was pretty much vertical on one side, but if you walked around to the other side (about 20 feet away), the rocks were more staggered, and we could climb up. Also while we were there, I was working on some technical thing involving stringing cables around. Maybe I was setting up an antenna or a LAN. I was having a good time, anyway, and it felt awesome to have climbed to the top of that place.

As happens a lot in my dreams, things seemed a bit reversed. After experiencing the trip, I was at home trying to get my stuff packed so I'd be ready to go...maybe we had already gone once, and now we were going again. My mom was telling me my friends were about to come pick me up, and I still had stuff scattered all over the house. I had gotten my cables all bundled, but I still needed to pack everything together, make sure I had a change of clothes, make sandwiches, etc.