date: 2007-01-27 8:33
subject: Rockets, airplanes, shampoo, ice, and followy light ribbons
lj-entry-id: 714,63

Rockets, airplanes, shampoo, ice, and followy light ribbons - 2007-01-27 8:33 - Entry 889 - TOGoS's Journal

Food day at Widen. Except I was having a bad feeling about it. Too much food, or there was a giraffe there, or they wanted me to take my clothes off. Or something.

I was sending something in to get repaired. Like I did with my camera, except this needed a bigger box and I had to send in more parts. I had the box all set up, addresses and return addresses taped onto it. Had a hard time remembering which went where, but I got it eventually. I have it to some friends of mine to get it delivered. Later I realized that I had forgotten to put the screwdriver (2 pieces, like the yellow plastic ones I have) in the box, and went running after them, only to find them next to a lake already launching the rocket (that would send the goods to the repair shop). The fuel had already started burning; it was too late to stop it and add parts. So I hoped they just didn't care too much about the screwdriver. In the distance a much larger rocket was taking off, but took a tower from the launch pad with it, and it got all screwed up and, of course, came right at us. It was one of those occasions where I knew that I was dreaming enough to realize what was going to happen and why, but not enough to take advantage of it.

Then I was riding in an airplane. And shampooing someone's hair. It was getting really foamy.

Later I was with folks from Widen again. Maybe eating some of the crackers still left over from food day. We had driven up northish (I think I said "Eau Claire" in the dream but it seemed more east than that) and there was this...sort of a lake frozen over with ice, but the ice looked more like a sheet of plastic with very regular bumps on it. Julia showed up, and I was showing her how, if you had 2 people, you could stand on the ice without getting your feet wet (if you stood at opposite ends the weight would even out and you wouldn't tip the sheet). We ended up crossing the plastic ice sheets and we were walking along a path on a ridge. As we crossed a bridge I realized that the river under the bridge would make a really straightforward way to get home, as opposed to the L-shaped route we had taken on the highway. We turned around at the end of our walk and when we came to the bridge I went down to check it out. And now Fizz and/or A-Day were there, too. Everyone was waiting for me at the top of the bridge and trying to tell me don't walk too far over that hill because there was a lot of construction going on over there and I might get in the way or run over. I couldn't really hear them though, and I couldn't see over the hill either, since the frozen river (of gravel?) was so far below the bridge. But I figured it out when I reached the top of the gravel pile and headed back. And then everyone was down there with me, and some lady that looked like a witch came out of the woods and asked us if we wanted some light beams (I don't remember what they were called, but something like that). I didn't know what she was talking about, but everyone else was like "yeah! :D". And then 3 of these light beams came out of the woods, and as we ran they'd follow us, leaving a trail behind them. It was pretty cool.