date: 2007-01-29 14:52
subject: Wicked place editor
lj-entry-id: 715,95

Wicked place editor - 2007-01-29 14:52 - Entry 890 - TOGoS's Journal

I had been poking around the internet looking for cool things to play with. Came across a game engine some guys had made that had a built-in editor. The engine was sort of like Doom's, but a little bit simpler. Doors didn't have their own sectors, but were just flat boundaries between rooms with a certain flag set on them. The result didn't look quite as nice as Doom, but this made building stuff really easy. And I noticed that it allowed you to overlap rooms in interesting ways, which I thought was really cool, given that the editor was all 2D and easy.

The next day we came back and started working on our place again. I was with a bunch of folks from the Delta Lodge trip, and it was just like we were going out for another day of skiing, except we went into a cave that was dirrectly connected to the cabin instead of getting into cars and driving to Michigan. The place we were in was sort of like part of a Sauerbraten map I generated with TMapGen once, where two overlapping parts of the cave met. Some people were working in the lower section, but I went up and started digging around in the floor of the upper secion. Tricia was working in the same area making a similar hole. People seemed impressed at how quickly I made a tunnel that ended in a little room that I could sit in.