date: 2007-02-24 13:10
tags: sick, lake-dreams
current-videogame: Secret of Evermore
lj-entry-id: 725,165

2007-02-24 13:10 - Entry 901 - TOGoS's Journal

Sometime while I was at work on Wednesday I started feeling lousy. Tired and wanted to just lie down for a while. And then my head started aching and I got a sore throat. Wednesday night I was really miserable. I had a headache and I couldn't sleep (I kept refactoring some stupid piece of code in my head that didn't make any sense) and I also felt sick to my stomach. But I survived that and skipped work the next day. And I took Friday morning off (I might've been better off had I stayed home the whole day). I'm still having some gross cold symptoms, but I apparently felt well enough to go sledding with Fizz and Mary and Ian today. And I think that actually made me feel better. At least I didn't spend my whole weekend sitting around the house (I had been planning on it, but it was getting really boring and wasteful-feeling).

It must've been Friday morning that I had a dream that I was on Moon Lake, riding around on a water bicycle. Sort of like one of those paddle boats that Blake and I got 'lost' on, but it was for one person and pretty much shaped like a bike. I was really enjoying scooting around the lake with it because it was so fast. Much faster than a canoe, I thought. I was exploring the edge of the lake, checking out all the little ins and outs.

Last night I dreampt that we were....somewhere with a parking ramp. Julia was saying that she didn't have enough clothes, so we were bringing her more from home. At one point Fizz and I were getting onto a bus, but we weren't really sure where we wanted to go, so we were just standing up at the front thinking about it while the bus driver waited for us to make up our minds. People on the bus were getting mad at us. And I found Mike Vidal lying in our oven set to 300 degrees with some ice packs by his head. Apparently he was lying in a 300 degree oven just to show that he could. But I worried about him. Eventually someone else came by who was also worried. So we pulled Mike out.